Tinang a file/ folder ni hpe password jaw na pat(encrypt)
da, zaw la(lock)da ai baw software re. zaw la(lock)da ai sha n’ga, Windows ntsa
kaw na n’mu mat hkra mai makoi da ai hku re. Dai sha n’ga, tinang makoi da,
magap da ai file/ folder ni hpe marai langai ngai was a hpaw lang mayu ai majaw
ndai software hpe Windows ntsa kaw na sa malaw(uninstall) galaw na nga yang
mung, tinang jaw da ai mying(username) hte password hpe ayan(ever) hpyi taw na
re majaw, tinang a shimlam(security/ Privacy) ni hpe ahtu hkra(disturb) wan a hpe
ntsang ra ai hku re. Dai majaw, tinang a username the password hpe n’malap(forget)
kau na hpe grai sadi ra ai hku re.
အေရးႀကီးတဲ့ data ေတြ၊ သူမ်ားမသိေစခ်င္တဲ့ file ေတြကို
Passward နဲ႔ Lock ခ်လိုသူေတြအတြက္ Folder Lock 7 software ပါ။ ဘယ္ file၊ folder မ်ိဳးမဆို
Lock ခ်လို႔ရပါတယ္။ Folder Lock ထဲထည့္ၿပီး
ေသာ့ခတ္ထားရင္ သင့္ data ေတြကို ဘယ္သူကမွ ရွာလို႔ရမွာ မဟုတ္ေတာ့ပါဘူး။ Lock
လုပ္မယ့္ file ေတြ folder ေတြကို စုစည္းၿပီးေတာ့ Partition တစ္ခုလုပ္ၿပီး Lock ခ်လို႔လည္းရပါတယ္။ ေတာ္ေတာာ္ေလးကို ေကာင္းမြန္တဲ့ Software ေလးတစ္ခုပါ။
Folder Lock : is a revolutionary concept in data security
that allows you to not only lock and/or encrypt your files and folders but also
optionally backup your encrypted data to an online account, keeping your data
synced at all times so that you won't have to worry about the confidentiality
of your data as well as data loss. Besides encryption and secure backup of your
files, Folder Lock provides additional award-winning data protection features
like Lock
Files, Protect USB / CD, Make Wallets, Shred Files, and Clean
Folder Lock is the ONLY data protection with an
online backup solution providing true end-to-end encryption and password
protection of all your personal and confidential files at all times. With
advanced government-level 256-bit AES encryption on your desktop and 128-bit
encryption for all online communications, Folder Lock gives you End-to-End data
security to protect all your data, thus, maintaining data confidentiality and
integrity at all times.
Support OS :
Windows 8/7/ Vista / XP/Windows 2003 & 2008 Server (32bit /64 bit)
Download Folder
Lock v7.2.5 from Mirror Upload
**Note; This link already included multi-file
hosting links**
If the serial keys in these winrar package are not
work correctly, use the following Serial Key
Serial Key: F7-20120725-7-239532
By; Atsam@kachinland
Credit to; Prof Key
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